



Benefits and Advantages

With Different Gains Ideal Conditions for Gas Turbines

The cooling of the gas turbine inlet air not only increases capacity and efficiency, but also allows for several improvements such as increased turbine filter lifespan , reduced NOx emissions, lower turbine maintenance costs, optimization of operational costs, and other benefits provided by media type evaporative system.

Benefits and Advantages

Through cooling of gas turbine inlet air, the power which was lost in summer and spring, is regained. More fuel is combusted due to the increase in the air mass flow after cooling and power production of the gas turbine increases. An increase of 8-20% in the current capacity of turbine due to outer temperature and humidity is possible if media type evaporative cooling unit is used.

Heat rate in gas turbines increases depending upon outer environment temperature. Therefore, the amount of fuel necessary to produce unit kWh electricity in summer time is more than the amount necessary in winter to produce the same amount of electricity. This might be easily observed in heat rate-correction curves in gas turbines and it is vital for  the combined cycle efficiency.  Depending upon the type and capacity of gas turbines, 1°C cooling of outer temperature generates  %0,16-0,21 decrease in heat rate.

Media type evaporative cooling unit has much more lower investment cost compared to conventional cooling systems . ( the difference between two system might rise up to 8-10 times in 55 MW and above gas turbines . While analyzed with regard to return-investment cost in payback and feasibility estimates

Media type evaporative cooling units consumes water and a very little amount of electricity while working.

The electricity consumption is necessary only for circulation pumps. For example, the electricity necessary for media type evaporative cooling unit integrated to 55 MW turbine is only about 1,5 kWh. However, in conventional cooling systems, about 15-20% of regained capacity is used for internal consumption In media type evaporative cooling unit, there isn’t a necessity of dematerialized water; a combination of raw water and soft water is generally sufficient.

The pads in evaporative cooling system pre-filter turbine inlet air. The particles held by evaporative cooling pads are drained with water during blow-off. Due to the cooling system, gas turbines intake air filters’ durability increase 1,5-2 times.

Water added to turbine combustion air through evaporative cooling system decreases NOx emissions in exhaust combustion air. With every 1°C cooling in NOx emissions, a decrease of 0,7-1,7% is conducted.

SKY Enerji The components in media type evaporative cooling system don’t require any maintenance during the season. A general cleaning of the cooling pads before the season would be enough. As SKY Enerji we provide system infrastructure enabling easy access to cooling unit instruments and we make the most ergonomic construction design for operators.

Cooling modules belonging to evaporative cooling unit can be integrated to filter house due to their structure. This feature eliminates the necessity of mounting cooling system during the manufacture of filter house, therefore, mounting is possible for already started-up turbines.
There is no need for extra space for system installation since all the equipments belonging to cooling unit can be mounted over filter housing with cooling modules.

As SKY Enerji we complete the orders of our customers in several months with our manufacturing opportunities and experienced staff and we deliver the cooling systems operating. Depending upon site and operation conditions, the assembly process might be completed without any stopping on gas turbine.